From the Roving Reporter
by Sylvia McConnell
Bishop William Celebrates with St. Andrew’s
On Sunday, November 5, St. Andrew’s welcomed Bishop William Cliff to his church in Wellington. The pews were near capacity, and there was a hum of excitement before the services.
Archdeacon Nancy and Layreader Ron Cork assisted the bishop during the service. Bishop William is a tall man and could be an intimidating presence except for the fact that he is very personable and has a great sense of humour. During the homily, he came down the steps to stand at the top of the aisle, from which position he appeared less imposing.
Bishop William spoke on Sunday’s passage from the Book of Revelation, a book which many of us approach with caution. He spoke about God’s “prevenient grace”, the concept that God has made provision for forgiveness of our sins even before we sin. God has prepared the way for our salvation through his grace. Bishop William called Revelation a “spoiler-alert” that tells us that God will prevail in the end. I personally am encouraged to look at Revelation again in this light.
The service flew by quickly, and the potluck that followed was an opportunity for many to get to know the bishop on a more personal level.
A wonderful Sunday at St. Andrew’s Wellington.