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Every year, we at St. Andrew's, acting on the wishes of our parishioners, award funds for ideas across the board but with one common aim: to provide assistance to persons doing charitable work  or having special needs in the county! 
The application is shown below and starting Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through to Wednesday, October 23, 2024 applicants can download, complete and return it by email as an attchment or deliver to our Church office. 
For any questions or more information, please call the Church's administrative offices at 613 399 1744
Return addresses and rules are shown on the application. We wish all applicants good luck! 
History of the Endowment Fund 
In 2007, St Andrew’s received an unexpected & very generous bequest from the Estate of Wilma Ward.
When this large bequest became widely known in the parish, the Wardens, Mary Ellen Closson & Iris Philips, & the Treasurer, John Stanford, became concerned by suggestions being made for the use for this money.
They wanted to ensure that such a generous gift be used to enhance the ministry of St. Andrew’s in a wise & thoughtful manner for years to come.
John had been involved with the management of the Endowment Fund of his former parish & he was tasked with writing the By-Laws for an Endowment Fund appropriate for St. Andrew’s.
At that time, several very old bequests were held by the Diocese of Ontario for the benefit of St Andrew’s. Permission was gained from the known survivors of the families, who had given the original bequests, to consolidate these funds with the Wilma Ward bequest to capitalize a new Endowment Fund.
These bequests had been given by the families - Davern, Gerow, Gore, Dainard, Hayes, Lonsbury, King, Niles, Stringer & Turvey. Many of these family names are present on windows, plaques & memorials in St Andrew’s to this day.
Parish of Kente Endowment Fund was passed at the Annual Vestry Meeting on January 27, 2008. The Fund started with $100,000. Just under $75,000 from the Wilma Ward Estate. Somewhat in excess of $21,000 from previous bequests. Plus, just over $3,500 from St Andrew’s. Now, in 2024, 17 years later, the Endowment Fund stands at about $400,000. The capital from the Endowment Fund is managed by the Consolidated Investment Fund of the Diocese of Ontario. Each year, a percentage of the interest earned is available for distribution. In 2023, the Endowment Fund Committee donated approximately $17,800 to 8 recipients.
The first distribution from the Endowment Fund took place in 2010. Since then, over $120,000 has been distributed to individuals & worthy causes both local & further afield. In September each year individuals & organizations are invited to submit applications for grants from the Endowment Fund. Successful candidates receive their grants in November.
St Andrew’s is blessed to have acquired this considerable Endowment Fund. The parish hopes that this blessing will flow along to the recipients of each year’s awards.
Submitted by Marg Stanford, Wellington, On.